Beitrags-Archiv für die Kategory 'Low HD – 720p'

Samstag, 2. November 2024 0:16

Ein Scrooge-ähnlicherWeihnachtsverabscheuer, Raúl, wird beauftragt, eine Turrón-Fabrikin einem abgelegenen weihnachtsliebenden Dorf zu auditieren, wo er auch die Aussicht hat, ein Dach mit Paula, der örtlichen Lehrerin, zu teilen, die darauf aus ist, die größte lebende Krippe aller Zeiten zu inszenieren

Spoiler for

Release Date : 2024-10-30
Size : 2.1 GiB
Runtime : 01:42:32
Resolution : 1280 x 720
Bitrate : 1,624 kb/s
Audio : German E-AC-3 6 channels 640 kb/s
Audio : Spanish E-AC-3 6 channels 640 kb/s
Subs : German Forced / German / Spanish SDH / Arabic / Czech / Danish /
Greek / English / English / English SDH / Finnish / French / Hebrew /
Croatian / Hungarian / Indonesian / Italian / Japanese / Korean /
Malay / Norwegian Bokml / Dutch / Polish / Portuguese / Portuguese /
Romanian / Russian / Swedish / Thai / Turkish / Ukrainian /
Vietnamese / Chinese / Chinese
IMDb :
Notes :

Dauer: 102 Min | Format: mkv | Größe: 2135 MB | IMDb: 1000 km weit weg von Weihnachten | YouTube | xRel

Mirror #1:
Passwort: ohne Passwort

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Thema: Komödie, Low HD - 720p | Kommentare (0) | Autor:


Freitag, 1. November 2024 23:39

Jackie soll für den CIA die verdächtige Natasha auf ihrem Weg in die Ukraine beschatten. Was zunächst wie der einfachste Auftrag in seiner Polizisten-Laufbahn aussieht, wird zu einer spektakulären Jagd nach einem nuklearen Sprengkopf, die ihn, verfolgt von der Russenmafia, bis nach Australien führt und beinahe Kopf und Kragen kostet. Doch er wäre nicht Jackie, würde er seine Gegner nicht immer wieder mit den verblüffendsten Tricks ausspielen…

Spoiler for

__/\___ _____) (__
_) (_ \ )_* _(
________ ____/___ — \ ________________ _____ ____| | \/
`-._ / \ _.-‚ ! _.-‚ || | |
| | | | | | | || _ |.. you
| |/\| | | | | |——- | | ain’t
| | | | | | | | classic!
| __/\__ | __|__ | | | | |
| _) (_ | _) (_ |____ _____|_______ | __| |
_________|/ — \|/ __ \| | _)____| ____(_ | _) | |_________
`——- ! ! |> ! |/ | __/ \|/ i| | ——-‚
(____ | | | | \ ! ! ! x| | _____)
`—– | | | |> / — | : x| |—–‚
\:_ | _/ \___ ___/| __________| ________\\ u| __|
(_ | _) | _) | _) | _) | _)
\|/ |/ |/ |/ |/
`———__________ p r o u d l y P R E! s e n t s ____________ ———‚
\___________ A _____________/
__________directed by__________
/ \
| Stanley Tong |
| cODEc used x264 r3193 at a resolution of 1280x536px |
| using Constant Rate Factor 20.0 resulted avg bitrate 3 839 kb/s |
| in a .mkv container followin AUDiO was added: |
| Audio 01: German DTS 2 channels 768 kb/s |
| Audio 02: Chinese DTS 2 channels 768 kb/s |
| Subs 01: German (Forced) UTF-8 | [x] default [x] forced |
| Subs 02: German (Full) VOB |
| Subs 03: English (Full) VOB |
| Subs 04: German (Forced) VOB |
| Subs 05: English (Forced) VOB |
| imDB……..: |
| imDB-rATiNG.: 6.6/10 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( )( ) @ 22,861 votes |
| ofDB……..:, |
| ofDB-rATiNG.: 7.1/10 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( )( ) @ 732 votes |
| runtime of 1 h 47 min 16 s will plot a Action, Adventure as following|
| |
| Jackie, a cop, participates in a sting operation on an international |
| spy-ring. But when one of them (Tsui) gets away, Jackie is ordered |
| to apprehend him. This leads Jackie all over the globe starting with |
| Tsui’s sister in Australia. The story follows him as he tries to |
| stay alive and capture the villain. |
| no news is good news. |
Releasedate: 2024/10/23

Dauer: 107 Min | Format: mkv | Größe: 4125 MB | IMDb: Jackie Chans Erstschlag | YouTube | xRel

Mirror #1:
Passwort: ohne Passwort

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Thema: Action, Low HD - 720p | Kommentare (0) | Autor:


Freitag, 1. November 2024 23:27

Mordgierige Monsterbabys werden auf einer einsamen Insel ausgesetzt. Steven Jarvis, Vater des ältesten Kindes, leidet unter seinem Ruf als „Monstervater“. Als eine Regierungsexpedition nach 5 Jahren eines der Monster zurückholen will, werden alle Teilnehmer bis auf Jarvis getötet. Die inzwischen erwachsenen Monster fahren in die USA, um Jarvis‘ Frau ein Enkelkind zu übergeben. Jarvis überredet sie, das Kind anzunehmen, bevor die Polizei die Monster vernichtet. Jarvis, seine Frau und das Enkelkind stehlen sich unbemerkt davon.

Spoiler for

__/\___ _____) (__
_) (_ \ )_* _(
________ ____/___ — \ ________________ _____ ____| | \/
`-._ / \ _.-‚ ! _.-‚ || | |
| | | | | | | || _ |.. you
| |/\| | | | | |——- | | ain’t
| | | | | | | | classic!
| __/\__ | __|__ | | | | |
| _) (_ | _) (_ |____ _____|_______ | __| |
_________|/ — \|/ __ \| | _)____| ____(_ | _) | |_________
`——- ! ! |> ! |/ | __/ \|/ i| | ——-‚
(____ | | | | \ ! ! ! x| | _____)
`—– | | | |> / — | : x| |—–‚
\:_ | _/ \___ ___/| __________| ________\\ u| __|
(_ | _) | _) | _) | _) | _)
\|/ |/ |/ |/ |/
`———__________ p r o u d l y P R E! s e n t s ____________ ———‚
\___________ A _____________/
__________directed by__________
/ \
| Larry Cohen |
| cODEc used x264 r3194 at a resolution of 1280x688px |
| using Constant Rate Factor 21.0 resulted avg bitrate 4 672 kb/s |
| in a .mkv container followin AUDiO was added: |
| Audio 01: German (Stereo) AC-3 2 channels 640 kb/s |
| Audio 02: English (Stereo) AC-3 2 channels 640 kb/s |
| Subs 01: German (Forced) UTF-8 | [x] default [x] forced |
| Subs 02: German Full VOB |
| Subs 03: English Full VOB |
| Subs 04: German Forced VOB |
| imDB……..: |
| imDB-rATiNG.: 4.9/10 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( )( )( )( ) @ 2,206 votes |
| ofDB……..:, |
| ofDB-rATiNG.: 5.2/10 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( )( )( )( ) @ 158 votes |
| runtime of 1 h 34 min 18 s will plot a Horror as following |
| |
| The mutant babies have been placed by court order on a deserted |
| island. Appalled by the cycnicism and exploitation of the children |
| by the legal system and the media, the man responsible for them |
| leads an expedition to the island to free them. |
| Higher CRF due high bitrate. |
Releasedate: 2024/10/23

Dauer: 94 Min | Format: mkv | Größe: 4015 MB | IMDb: Die Wiege des Schreckens | YouTube | xRel

Mirror #1:
Passwort: ohne Passwort

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Thema: Horror, Low HD - 720p | Kommentare (0) | Autor:


Freitag, 1. November 2024 23:02

Das junge Ehepaar Scott erwartet ein Baby. Leider allerdings kein Normales. Wie sich schon im Vorneherein, durch etliche Tests, feststellen ließ, erwarten die Scotts ein Monsterbaby. Da Ärzte und Regierung allerdings einen Skandal, wie bei der Familie Davis vor einigen Jahren, vermeiden möchten, soll das Baby schon bei der Geburt sterben. Da taucht allerdings Frank Davis auf, der die Scotts zu einer geheimen Forschungsstadion bringt, die aus den Monsterbabys ganz normale Menschen machen will. Doch der Preis dafür ist hoch und die fiesen Racker lassen sich einfach nicht umerziehen. Ein fürchterliches Blutbad soll folgen…

Spoiler for

__/\___ _____) (__
_) (_ \ )_* _(
________ ____/___ — \ ________________ _____ ____| | \/
`-._ / \ _.-‚ ! _.-‚ || | |
| | | | | | | || _ |.. you
| |/\| | | | | |——- | | ain’t
| | | | | | | | classic!
| __/\__ | __|__ | | | | |
| _) (_ | _) (_ |____ _____|_______ | __| |
_________|/ — \|/ __ \| | _)____| ____(_ | _) | |_________
`——- ! ! |> ! |/ | __/ \|/ i| | ——-‚
(____ | | | | \ ! ! ! x| | _____)
`—– | | | |> / — | : x| |—–‚
\:_ | _/ \___ ___/| __________| ________\\ u| __|
(_ | _) | _) | _) | _) | _)
\|/ |/ |/ |/ |/
`———__________ p r o u d l y P R E! s e n t s ____________ ———‚
\___________ A _____________/
__________directed by__________
/ \
| Larry Cohen |
| cODEc used x264 r3194 at a resolution of 1280x688px |
| using Constant Rate Factor 20.0 resulted avg bitrate 2 588 kb/s |
| in a .mkv container followin AUDiO was added: |
| Audio 01: German (Stereo) AC-3 2 channels 640 kb/s |
| Audio 02: English (Stereo) AC-3 2 channels 640 kb/s |
| Subs 01: German (Forced) UTF-8 | [x] default [x] forced |
| Subs 02: German Full VOB |
| Subs 03: English Full VOB |
| Subs 04: German Forced VOB |
| imDB……..: |
| imDB-rATiNG.: 5.2/10 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( )( )( )( ) @ 2,730 votes |
| ofDB……..:, |
| ofDB-rATiNG.: 5.8/10 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( )( )( ) @ 131 votes |
| runtime of 1 h 30 min 39 s will plot a Horror as following |
| |
| An epidemic of monster babies sweeps across America. |
| no news is good news. |
Releasedate: 2024/10/23

Dauer: 90 Min | Format: mkv | Größe: 2509 MB | IMDb: Die Wiege des Satans | YouTube | xRel

Mirror #1:
Passwort: ohne Passwort

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Thema: Horror, Low HD - 720p | Kommentare (0) | Autor:


Freitag, 1. November 2024 22:52

Das Ehepaar Davis ist überglücklich: Die Geburt ihres Kindes steht bevor. Doch der Nachwuchs entpuppt sich als Monsterbaby. Kaum auf der Welt, richtet es im Krankenhaus ein Blutbad an und flieht. Papa Davis und die Polizei müssen den blutrünstigen Balg schnellstens wieder einfangen…

Spoiler for

__/\___ _____) (__
_) (_ \ )_* _(
________ ____/___ — \ ________________ _____ ____| | \/
`-._ / \ _.-‚ ! _.-‚ || | |
| | | | | | | || _ |.. you
| |/\| | | | | |——- | | ain’t
| | | | | | | | classic!
| __/\__ | __|__ | | | | |
| _) (_ | _) (_ |____ _____|_______ | __| |
_________|/ — \|/ __ \| | _)____| ____(_ | _) | |_________
`——- ! ! |> ! |/ | __/ \|/ i| | ——-‚
(____ | | | | \ ! ! ! x| | _____)
`—– | | | |> / — | : x| |—–‚
\:_ | _/ \___ ___/| __________| ________\\ u| __|
(_ | _) | _) | _) | _) | _)
\|/ |/ |/ |/ |/
`———__________ p r o u d l y P R E! s e n t s ____________ ———‚
\___________ A _____________/
__________directed by__________
/ \
| Larry Cohen |
| cODEc used x264 r3194 at a resolution of 1280x688px |
| using Constant Rate Factor 20.0 resulted avg bitrate 3 631 kb/s |
| in a .mkv container followin AUDiO was added: |
| Audio 01: German (Stereo) AC-3 2 channels 640 kb/s |
| Audio 02: English (Stereo) AC-3 2 channels 640 kb/s |
| Subs 01: German (Forced) UTF-8 | [x] default [x] forced |
| Subs 02: German Full VOB |
| Subs 03: English Full VOB |
| Subs 04: German Forced VOB |
| imDB……..: |
| imDB-rATiNG.: 5.8/10 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( )( )( ) @ 9,203 votes |
| ofDB……..:, |
| ofDB-rATiNG.: 6.0/10 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( )( )( ) @ 212 votes |
| runtime of 1 h 30 min 59 s will plot a Horror as following |
| |
| The Davies expect a baby, which turns out to be a monster with a |
| nasty habit of killing when it’s scared. And it’s easily scared. |
| no news is good news. |
Releasedate: 2024/10/23

Dauer: 91 Min | Format: mkv | Größe: 3198 MB | IMDb: Die Wiege des Bösen | YouTube | xRel

Mirror #1:
Passwort: ohne Passwort

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Thema: Horror, Low HD - 720p | Kommentare (0) | Autor:


Freitag, 1. November 2024 22:38

Berlin, April 1945. Während um ihn herum sein Hirngespinst Großdeutschland in Schutt und Asche liegt, deutsche Truppen quasi nur noch auf dem Papier existieren und die Alliierten die Macht übernehmen, hält Adolf Hitler in seinem Bunker Hof. Spielt sich und seinen Vasallen eine Mär vom unaufhörlichen Triumph der arischen Rasse vor, stachelt seine Untergebenen zu weiteren irrwitzigen Feldzügen an und präsentiert einen galoppierenden Realitätsverlust ungeahnten Ausmaßes. Bis auch im Bunker das große Sterben beginnt.

Spoiler for

__/\___ _____) (__
_) (_ \ )_* _(
________ ____/___ — \ ________________ _____ ____| | \/
`-._ / \ _.-‚ ! _.-‚ || | |
| | | | | | | || _ |.. you
| |/\| | | | | |——- | | ain’t
| | | | | | | | classic!
| __/\__ | __|__ | | | | |
| _) (_ | _) (_ |____ _____|_______ | __| |
_________|/ — \|/ __ \| | _)____| ____(_ | _) | |_________
`——- ! ! |> ! |/ | __/ \|/ i| | ——-‚
(____ | | | | \ ! ! ! x| | _____)
`—– | | | |> / — | : x| |—–‚
\:_ | _/ \___ ___/| __________| ________\\ u| __|
(_ | _) | _) | _) | _) | _)
\|/ |/ |/ |/ |/
`———__________ p r o u d l y P R E! s e n t s ____________ ———‚
\___________ A _____________/
__________directed by__________
/ \
| Oliver Hirschbiegel |
| cODEc used x264 r3191 at a resolution of 1280x720px |
| using Constant Rate Factor 20.0 resulted avg bitrate 4 045 kb/s |
| in a .mkv container followin AUDiO was added: |
| Audio 01: German DTS 6 channels 1 509 kb/s |
| Subs 01: German (Full) VOB |
| Subs 02: English (Full) VOB |
| imDB……..: |
| imDB-rATiNG.: 8.2/10 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( ) @ 379,381 votes |
| ofDB……..:, |
| ofDB-rATiNG.: 7.9/10 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( ) @ 1560 votes |
| runtime of 2 h 35 min 4 s will plot a Biography, Drama as following |
| |
| Charting the last 10 days of Hitler’s life, from his 56th birthday |
| on April 20th, 1945 to his suicide on April 30th, Downfall uses |
| multiple characters to show the chaos of a country coming apart at |
| the seams, from Hitler’s henchman under the streets of Berlin, to |
| the soldiers and civilians fighting and dying as the Soviet Army |
| ravaged the city above. Nominated for an Oscar for Best Foreign |
| Language Film in 2005. |
| Scanned from a 35mm copy to a new 2K DI ditched master. |
Releasedate: 2024/09/29

Dauer: 155 Min | Format: mkv | Größe: 6163 MB | IMDb: Der Untergang | YouTube | xRel

Mirror #1:
Passwort: ohne Passwort

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Thema: Biografie, Low HD - 720p | Kommentare (0) | Autor:


Freitag, 1. November 2024 22:11

Commissaire Philippe Jordan spielt im Dienst nicht immer nach den Regeln. Als er nach der Festnahme zweier Drogendealer deren Ware im Meer verschwinden läßt, bekommt er nicht nur Ärger mit seinem Vorgesetzten, sondern hat zu allem Überfluss auch noch einen wütenden Drogenboss an den Fersen.

Spoiler for

__/\___ _____) (__
_) (_ \ )_* _(
________ ____/___ — \ ________________ _____ ____| | \/
`-._ / \ _.-‚ ! _.-‚ || | |
| | | | | | | || _ |.. you
| |/\| | | | | |——- | | ain’t
| | | | | | | | classic!
| __/\__ | __|__ | | | | |
| _) (_ | _) (_ |____ _____|_______ | __| |
_________|/ — \|/ __ \| | _)____| ____(_ | _) | |_________
`——- ! ! |> ! |/ | __/ \|/ i| | ——-‚
(____ | | | | \ ! ! ! x| | _____)
`—– | | | |> / — | : x| |—–‚
\:_ | _/ \___ ___/| __________| ________\\ u| __|
(_ | _) | _) | _) | _) | _)
\|/ |/ |/ |/ |/
`———__________ p r o u d l y P R E! s e n t s ____________ ———‚
\___________ A _____________/
__________directed by__________
/ \
| Jacques Deray |
| cODEc used x264 r3194 at a resolution of 1184x720px |
| using Constant Rate Factor 22.0 resulted avg bitrate 5 030 kb/s |
| in a .mkv container followin AUDiO was added: |
| Audio 01: German (Stereo) DTS 2 channels 1 509 kb/s |
| Audio 02: French (Stereo) DTS 2 channels 1 509 kb/s |
| Subs 01: German (Forced) UTF-8 | [x] default [x] forced |
| Subs 02: German Full VOB |
| Subs 03: German Synchronfassung VOB |
| Subs 04: German Forced VOB |
| Subs 05: German Commentary VOB |
| Subs 06: French Full VOB |
| Subs 07: French SDH VOB |
| imDB……..: |
| imDB-rATiNG.: 6.4/10 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( )( )( ) @ 3,541 votes |
| ofDB……..:, |
| ofDB-rATiNG.: 6.7/10 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( )( ) @ 212 votes |
| runtime of 1 h 42 min 16 s will plot a Action, Crime as following |
| |
| Fed-up with the inefficiency of the Marseille police, Paris sends |
| drug-enforcement specialist Philippe Jordan to Marseille. He’s |
| supposed to assist the local law enforcement dismantle the drug |
| networks, especially mobster Sauveur Mecacci’s network. So far, |
| Mecacci has managed to elude capture or successful prosecution by |
| local authorities. However, Inspector Philippe Jordan’s unorthodox |
| law enforcement style may prove efficient against Mecacci if Jordan |
| receives a free-hand green-light from the Marseille police bosses |
| and if he survives the frequent attempts against his life, of |
| course. Once at work, Inspector Philippe Jordan’s rough style |
| creates mayhem in the city of Marseille and triggers numerous |
| complaints from the Mayor’s Office, from outraged citizens and from |
| the lawyers of a scared Mecacci who wants to see Jordan dead. These |
| things, in turn, tell Jordan he’s on the right track. |
| Higher CRF due high bitrate. |
Releasedate: 2024/10/22

Dauer: 102 Min | Format: mkv | Größe: 5889 MB | IMDb: Der Außenseiter | YouTube | xRel

Mirror #1:
Passwort: ohne Passwort

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Thema: Action, Low HD - 720p | Kommentare (0) | Autor:


Freitag, 1. November 2024 21:42

Dario Argento schrieb die Drehbücher für seine berühmtesten Filme in Hotels, isoliert von der Außenwelt, um sich nicht ablenken zu lassen. Auf Anraten seines Managers kehrt er in eines dieser Hotels zurück, um sein neues Drehbuch fertigzustellen. Dabei wird er von einem Kamerateam begleitet. Im Interview mit ihm, aber auch mit Wegbegleitern und Kollegen werden Argentos Leben und Karriere nacherzählt und welchen Einfluss sein Werk auf andere Regisseure hatte und hat.

Spoiler for

__/\___ _____) (__
_) (_ \ )_* _(
________ ____/___ — \ ________________ _____ ____| | \/
`-._ / \ _.-‚ ! _.-‚ || | |
| | | | | | | || _ |.. you
| |/\| | | | | |——- | | ain’t
| | | | | | | | classic!
| __/\__ | __|__ | | | | |
| _) (_ | _) (_ |____ _____|_______ | __| |
_________|/ — \|/ __ \| | _)____| ____(_ | _) | |_________
`——- ! ! |> ! |/ | __/ \|/ i| | ——-‚
(____ | | | | \ ! ! ! x| | _____)
`—– | | | |> / — | : x| |—–‚
\:_ | _/ \___ ___/| __________| ________\\ u| __|
(_ | _) | _) | _) | _) | _)
\|/ |/ |/ |/ |/
`———__________ p r o u d l y P R E! s e n t s ____________ ———‚
\___________ A _____________/
__________directed by__________
/ \
| Simone Scafidi |
| cODEc used x264 r3191 at a resolution of 1280x672px |
| using Constant Rate Factor 20.0 resulted avg bitrate 1 857 kb/s |
| in a .mkv container followin AUDiO was added: |
| Audio 01: German DTS 6 channels 1 509 kb/s |
| Audio 02: Italian DTS 6 channels 1 509 kb/s |
| Subs 01: German (Forced) UTF-8 | [x] default [x] forced |
| Subs 02: German (Full) VOB |
| Subs 03: Italian (Full) VOB |
| Subs 04: German (Forced) VOB |
| imDB……..: |
| imDB-rATiNG.: 6.7/10 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( )( ) @ 205 votes |
| ofDB……..:, |
| ofDB-rATiNG.: 7.0/10 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( )( ) @ 2 votes |
| runtime of 1 h 37 min 4 s will plot a Docu, Biography as following |
| |
| A film crew documents horror director Dario Argento as he works on |
| his latest script in a hotel room, revisiting the isolation where he |
| dreamed up his most iconic films, removed from distractions to |
| explore his dark imagination. |
| no news is good news. |
Releasedate: 2024/09/26

Dauer: 97 Min | Format: mkv | Größe: 3387 MB | IMDb: Dario Argento Panico | YouTube | xRel

Mirror #1:
Passwort: ohne Passwort

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Thema: +++ Neuerscheinungen +++, Doku, Low HD - 720p | Kommentare (0) | Autor:


Freitag, 1. November 2024 21:29

Die junge Carrie ist vom Leben stark gebeutelt: die Mutter ist eine religiöse Fanatikerin und in der Schule gilt das schüchterne Mädchen bei allen nur als Freak. Als während der Dusche nach dem Sportunterricht zum ersten Mal – relativ spät für ihr Alter – ihre Periode einsetzt und sie durch Unwissenheit in Panik gerät, spielen ihr die Klassenkameradinnen einen bösen Streich, für den sie hart bestraft werden. Dabei machen sich bei Carrie erstmals telekinetische Kräfte bemerkbar. Als der Schulball naht, planen die Mitschüler einen weiteren grausamen Streich aus Rache, doch sie ahnen nicht, welches Inferno sie damit entfachen werden…

Spoiler for

__/\___ _____) (__
_) (_ \ )_* _(
________ ____/___ — \ ________________ _____ ____| | \/
`-._ / \ _.-‚ ! _.-‚ || | |
| | | | | | | || _ |.. you
| |/\| | | | | |——- | | ain’t
| | | | | | | | classic!
| __/\__ | __|__ | | | | |
| _) (_ | _) (_ |____ _____|_______ | __| |
_________|/ — \|/ __ \| | _)____| ____(_ | _) | |_________
`——- ! ! |> ! |/ | __/ \|/ i| | ——-‚
(____ | | | | \ ! ! ! x| | _____)
`—– | | | |> / — | : x| |—–‚
\:_ | _/ \___ ___/| __________| ________\\ u| __|
(_ | _) | _) | _) | _) | _)
\|/ |/ |/ |/ |/
`———__________ p r o u d l y P R E! s e n t s ____________ ———‚
\___________ A _____________/
__________directed by__________
/ \
| Brian De Palma |
| cODEc used x264 r3196. at a resolution of 1280x688px |
| using Constant Rate Factor 20.0 resulted avg bitrate 5 593 kb/s |
| in a .mkv container followin AUDiO was added: |
| Audio 01: German DTS 6 channels 1 509 kb/s |
| Audio 02: English DTS 6 channels 1 509 kb/s |
| Subs 01: German (Forced) UTF-8 | [x] default [x] forced |
| Subs 02: German (Full) VOB |
| Subs 03: German (Forced) VOB |
| Subs 04: English (Full) VOB |
| Subs 05: German (Commentary) VOB |
| imDB……..: |
| imDB-rATiNG.: 7.4/10 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( ) @ 212,216 votes |
| ofDB……..:, |
| ofDB-rATiNG.: 7.4/10 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( ) @ 1386 votes |
| runtime of 1 h 37 min 56 s will plot a Horror as following |
| |
| It’s nearing the end of the school year. High school senior Carrie |
| White is a social outcast, largely due to being unwise to the ways |
| of the world based on her upbringing. Her mother, Margaret White, is |
| a religious fanatic, her extreme views primarily targeted against |
| sex, which she believes is a sin. She even believes natural |
| associated processes such as menstruation are a sin, about which she |
| has refused to mention to Carrie. Mrs. White’s beliefs were taken to |
| that extreme largely because of her own failed marriage and her |
| husband Ralph long ago having run off with another woman. The only |
| adult authority figure who tries to help Carrie with her life is her |
| phys ed teacher, Miss Collins, who is nonetheless warned not to get |
| too close to go against how Mrs. White chooses to raise Carrie, Mrs. |
| White whose beliefs are well known in the community. An impromptu |
| event that happens among Carrie’s phys ed classmates against her |
| leads to her classmates being punished. One of those students, self |
| absorbed Chris Hargensen, vows revenge against Carrie for that |
| punishment, the method of the revenge associated to the phys ed |
| class incident. Another student however, the popular Sue Snell, |
| begins to feel sorry for Carrie. In wanting to help her get out of |
| her shell, Sue asks her boyfriend, the equally popular Tommy Ross, |
| to take Carrie to the senior prom instead of her. This move does not |
| sit well with Mrs. White, who in her extreme view believes Carrie |
| will fall prey to sin. All these competing issues lead to Carrie |
| deciding on an impulse to use a newfound skill to free herself from |
| the figurative chains that have long been placed around her, with |
| tragic consequences. |
| no news is good news. |
Releasedate: 2024/10/27

Dauer: 97 Min | Format: mkv | Größe: 6034 MB | IMDb: Carrie: Des Satans jüngste Tochter | YouTube | xRel

Mirror #1:
Passwort: ohne Passwort

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Thema: Horror, Low HD - 720p | Kommentare (0) | Autor:


Freitag, 1. November 2024 21:07

Jean-Paul Belmondo wird in einem einzigartigen Roadtrip von seinem Sohn Paul Belmondo noch einmal an die wichtigsten Stationen seiner Karriere zurückgeführt. Gemeinsam fahren sie die Côte d’Azur entlang, reisen von Nizza über Cannes bis nach Monaco, fliegen an die brasilianische Copacabana, besuchen die wichtigsten Original-Filmlocations und treffen Stars

Spoiler for

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| _) (_ | _) (_ |____ _____|_______ | __| |
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| Rgis Mardon |
| cODEc used x264 r3194 at a resolution of 1280x720px |
| using Constant Rate Factor 20.0 resulted avg bitrate 3 112 kb/s |
| in a .mkv container followin AUDiO was added: |
| Audio 01: German (Stereo) DTS 2 channels 1 509 kb/s |
| Audio 02: French (Stereo) DTS 2 channels 1 509 kb/s |
| Subs 01: German Full VOB |
| imDB……..: |
| imDB-rATiNG.: 8.2/10 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( ) @ 38 votes |
| ofDB……..:, |
| ofDB-rATiNG.: 7.0/10 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( )( ) @ 14 votes |
| runtime of 1 h 39 min 32 s will plot a Documentary as following |
| |
| N/A |
| This full feature was a bonus to ‚Der Aussenseiter‘ we decided to |
| tag the german working title. |
Releasedate: 2024/10/23

Dauer: 99 Min | Format: mkv | Größe: 4366 MB | IMDb: Belmondo par Belmondo | YouTube | xRel

Mirror #1:
Passwort: ohne Passwort

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Thema: Doku, Low HD - 720p | Kommentare (0) | Autor: