Harry Caul ist Privatdetektiv, spezialisiert auf Abhöraktionen aller Art. Sein letzter Auftrag war nur Routine: Mit zwei Kollegen und ultrasensiblen, selbst konstruierten Peilmikrophonen nahm er einen Dialog auf, den Ann und Mark in der Mittagspause beim Spaziergang durch den Park in dem Glauben halten, völlig unbeobachtet zu sein. Auftraggeber ist der Chef der beiden. Caul gelingt es, jedes Wort aufzunehmen. Als er dem Direktor das Band übergeben will, ist allerdings nur dessen Assistent Martin Stett anwesend – Caul besteht allerdings auf einer persönlichen Übergabe. Der Dialog der beiden Personen geht ihm nicht mehr aus dem Kopf, obwohl er nicht weiß, worum es geht. Aber er hat eine Angst: Vor Jahren wurden drei Personen nach einem erfolgreichen Abhörmanöver ermordet. Caul fürchtet, dies könne auch in diesem Fall passieren und wird von Alpträumen geplagt …

Spoiler for

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__________directed by__________
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| Francis Ford Coppola |
| cODEc used x264 core 164 at a resolution of 1920x1040px |
| using Constant Rate Factor 21.0 resulted avg bitrate 10.7 Mb/s |
| in a .mkv container followin AUDiO was added: |
| Audio 01: German DTS 6 channels 1 509 kb/s |
| Audio 02: English DTS 6 channels 1 509 kb/s |
| Subs 01: German (Forced) UTF-8 | [x] default [x] forced |
| Subs 02: German (Full) VOB |
| Subs 03: English (Full) VOB |
| imDB……..: |
| imDB-rATiNG.: 7.7/10 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( ) @ 123,227 votes |
| ofDB……..:, |
| ofDB-rATiNG.: 6.9/10 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)( )( )( ) @ 348 votes |
| runtime of 1 h 54 min 2 s will plot a Drama, Mystery as following |
| |
| Harry Caul is a devout Catholic and a lover of jazz music who plays |
| his saxophone while listening to his jazz records. He is a San |
| Francisco-based electronic surveillance expert who owns and operates |
| his own small surveillance business. He is renowned within the |
| profession as being the best, one who designs and constructs his own |
| surveillance equipment. He is an intensely private and solitary man |
| in both his personal and professional life, which especially irks |
| Stan, his business associate who often feels shut out of what is |
| happening with their work. This privacy, which includes not letting |
| anyone into his apartment and always telephoning his clients from |
| pay phones is, in part, intended to control what happens around him. |
| His and Stan’s latest job (a difficult one) is to record the private |
| discussion of a young couple meeting in crowded and noisy Union |
| Square. The arrangement with his client, known only to him as „the |
| director“, is to provide the audio recording of the discussion and |
| photographs of the couple directly to him alone in return for |
| payment. Based on circumstances with the director’s assistant, |
| Martin Stett, and what Harry ultimately hears on the recording, |
| Harry believes that the lives of the young couple are in jeopardy. |
| Harry used to be detached from what he recorded, but is now |
| concerned ever since the deaths of three people that were the direct |
| result of a previous audio recording he made for another job. Harry |
| not only has to decide if he will turn the recording over to the |
| director, but also if he will try and save the couple’s lives using |
| information from the recording. As Harry goes on a quest to find out |
| what exactly is happening on this case, he finds himself in the |
| middle of his worst nightmare. |
| no news is good news. |
Releasedate: 2024/07/24

Dauer: 114 Min | Format: mkv | Größe: 11151 MB | IMDb: Der Dialog | YouTube | xRel

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